BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230812T110000Z DTEND:20230812T170000Z DTSTAMP:20230312T201107Z URL: SUMMARY:Georgetown Art Attack DESCRIPTION:Georgetown Art Attack! Neighborhood art walk is on the second S aturday of every month.\n\nMany galleries/studios are now offering individ ual appointments for viewing their exhibitions\, while other art spaces pl an to be open to the public with limited capacity and regulations in place ( masks and social distancing required ). Please check individual art spa ces for details.\nART ATTACK VENUES\nAll City Coffee – 1205 S Vale St\ nBadger Burrow Studios – 6234C Stanley Ave S\nCrystallography Gems  – 650 S Orcas St #218\nEquinox Studios – 6555 5th Ave S\nFantagraph ics – 1201 S Vale St\nFogue Studios – 5519 Airport Way S\nGeorgeto wn Trailer Park Mall – 5805 Airport Way S\nThe Harlow Collective – 5501 Airport Way S\nHousewright – 1224 S Bailey St\nJellyfish Brewing  – 917 S Nebraska St\nJenna Brechbiel Studio – 5703 Airport Way S\n Jules Maes Saloon – 5919 Airport Way S\nKoplin Del Rio Gallery – 6 107 13th Ave S\nMini Mart City Park – 6525 Ellis Ave. S\nPrairie Underg round – 940 S Harney St\nScarlet Ibis Gallery – 5409 Denver Ave S\ nShannon Koszyk Studio – 5531 Airport Way S (Inside Adorn)\nSide Rail Collective – 5511 1/2 Airport Way S\nSmith + Fox Salon – 6111 13th Ave S Ste A\nstudio e gallery – 609 S Brandon St\nThe Shed – 663 1 Ellis Ave S (behind residence)\nTinte Cellars – 5951 Airport Way S\n whippersnapper – 6206 Carleton Ave S\n\nFor event highlights visit ht tps:// ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: nt/uploads/2023/03/artAttackMap2023Jan.jpg?fit=1000%2C797&ssl=1 CATEGORIES:Art Walk END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR