BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20250605T170000Z DTEND:20250605T220000Z DTSTAMP:20230312T201828Z URL: 5/ SUMMARY:Pioneer Square Art Walk DESCRIPTION:THE LONGEST RUNNING ESTABLISHED ART WALK IN THE NATION:\nSince the early 1960s\, Pioneer Square has provided a haven for Seattle's artist ic community\, housing esteemed galleries\, innovative exhibition spaces\ , and working artist studios alike. Today\, Pioneer Square is the center o f Seattle’s art scene\, exhibiting the depth and range of the vibrant Pa cific Northwest arts community\, all within one square mile.\n\nDid you kn ow First Thursday in Pioneer Square was the very first Art Walk in the USA ? In 1981\, a group of visionary Pioneer Square art dealers printed the fi rst walking maps and painted footprints on the sidewalks outside leading t o their galleries. On the first Thursday of the month\, they collectively encouraged arts patrons to come and tour each of the Pioneer Square galle ries in the spirit of having a community event. First Thursday soon evolve d into the popular gathering that it is today\, becoming the preeminent ni ght to debut\, celebrate\, and share art with the greater public. Every f irst Thursday of the month\, Seattle’s historic Pioneer Square neighborh ood welcomes you to join us to continue this venerated tradition with exce ptional artists\, innovative works\, and creative kinship.\n\n \;\nDUR ING FIRST THURSDAY IN PIONEER SQUARE\, PARKING IS FREE FROM 5 PM TO 10 PM* !\nFIRST\nPark your car at one of the 3 participating garages:\n\nFrye Gar age (117 3rd Ave S)\n\nButler Garage (114 James Street)\n\n450 Alaskan (45 0 Alaskan Way - entrance on King Street)** ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: nt/uploads/2023/03/2023TourAWT-1.jpg?fit=1294%2C2000&ssl=1 CATEGORIES:Art Walk END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR