Pioneer Square Summer Market Update

Live Music

With the park secured and the vendor sign-up process underway, I’ve turned my attention to the entertainment portion of the event. I’m in touch with a number of Seattle artists to create a lineup spanning seven hours. While their styles are all different, the performers all have the same positive energy in common. A love of music, a love of their city and its oldest neighborhood, Pioneer Square.

Making Room For Vendors

Artist Rendering of Vendors

Based on the vendor response from the Spring Market we’re already looking for more vendor space. It doesn’t seem right to limit the event to only 40 vendors when there is room and appetite for hundreds. Many of the privately owned/managed places are on board to provide space for pop-up vendors but I’ve reached out to Unico Properties to see if they would sponsor the event and open up for vendors. It seems like a win-win considering events like this only increase the value of their property. With any luck for the community they’ll become one of the leading sponsors of events like this. How fantastic for the community would it be if they used their size and position in Pioneer Square to spur a renaissance in the area? It’s certainly possible. Urban Village’s Rail Spur doesn’t have to be the only micro-district in Pioneer Square incubating multiple small businesses, the Grand Central has the enormous advantage of being on the park.

Summer Market Series

Stability AI’s rendering of a Summer Series doesn’t need your spellcheck, mmkay!

Without even having this market fully booked I’ve been approached about organizing a series of markets to coincide with Art Walk. Based off of the initial survey that was the most common ask but getting access to the park seemed too daunting. After discussing it with DSA at the Spring Market that is no longer a concern. Now the only thing stopping it is people not doing what they said they would. If every artist or maker that’s ever wanted to show in Pioneer Square takes this opportunity, we’ll have a fantastic market. If every business or private booster that’s wanted to see something good happen in Pioneer Square takes this as an opportunity to make something good happen, we’ll be able to pay for the time of good performers and attract more people to the neighborhood. If more people come to Pioneer Square and have a good time as the results of this effort than their expectation will be that they can always have a good time in Pioneer Square. This is the positive cycle we wish to create with this first step. Please take a look at the signup form and learn how you can support us today.

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